Even though agencies that combat domestic and sexual violence work well together, access by the overall community to services can sometimes be confusing and difficult.

Division Manager for Relationship Violence Services for the City and County of Missoula, says one particular resource can be extremely helpful for anyone needing help and support.

"After the issues surrounding sexual violence came in our community, one of the things that was put together was a resource called 'It's Your Call, 9-1-1'," Gaynor said. "It has all sorts of resources in one place, all on the web, all easily accessible. It gives you information about advocacy, about law enforcement, and about prosecution, For students at the University of Montana, resources on campus."

Gaynor said all the agencies that assist victims of sexual violence are also able to help victims of domestic violence, as well, and that these resources are being utilized every day.

"It's worth knowing that for advocacy services, everything is free and confidential." she said. "You can call with questions, or walk in with questions, and you can call for a friend or a family member to obtain information. Even prosecutors and law enforcement are available to answer questions, even if you're not ready to make a report."

Gaynor said the YWCA has a 24-hour crisis line as does the Student Assault Resource Center, and law enforcement is available 24 hours a day by calling 9-1-1.

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