A capacity crowd packed the Billings Metra arena on Thursday, as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump brought his road show to Montana.

Trump was introduced by Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke, and spoke for over 90 minutes with very few notes and no TelePrompter. He spoke on now familiar themes, the border, immigration, jobs, the military, and, of course, himself.

Trump said he has spent a great deal of his own money on the campaign, but has been dwarfed by other, better-funded candidates, and yet still won by large margins.

"I spent $50 or $55 million of my own money," Trump said. "But other guys spent $200 or $220 million and they came in last. So, let me ask you, would you rather have the guy who spent the least and came in first, or the guy who spent the most and came in last? Who do we want as our President?"

On immigration, Trump said he would build 'The Wall' and allow only those who enter legally to immigrate to the U.S. He then referenced how illegal immigrants have become a drain on America's entitlement programs.

"Illegal immigrants get $1,261 dollars more welfare than American families," he said. "$5,692 versus $4,431. How stupid are we?"

Trump said one of the most important factors in this election is who would be nominating three or even four Supreme Court Justices in the next four or eight years.

"So we're going to have 14 or 15 judges that are phenomenal," he said. "They believe in all the things we believe in, and very strong on the second amendment. They're pro-life, strong on the second amendment, they're highly vetted."

Finally, Trump claimed that the winning was just beginning.

"If you elect me, we're gonna win," he said to a massive cheer. "We're gonna win so much. We're going to win with our military, we're going to win on trade, we're going to win on the border, we're going to win so much, you're going to get so sick of winning."

Montana's primary is June 7.

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