Veronica Crabtree, Otto Man and Chris Farley as the bus driver on Billy Madison have nuthin' on this angry jerk who scared the crap out of a school bus full of kids, and their parents.

An Arizona school bus driver stopped with a bus full of elementary students at a bus stop full of parents waiting to pick up their kids. He felt that the kids were being too rowdy and insisted that they stay on the bus so he could yell at them for misbehaving. So he's screaming at these kids, telling them he will not let them off the bus until they settle down, parents are banging on the door begging him to let them out.

The kids are crying going bats**t as he's threatening them, you can hear one crying child scream out "I want my daddy! I want my daddy!" The driver also threatened one dad "if you bust that door you're paying for it!" He then warns the parents to get out of the way because he's leaving with the kids. Crazy muther effer!

The driver took the kids back to the school where he was met by police and an angry mob of parents. He has since resigned.

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