28th Annual Garden City Brewfest Cancelled for 2020
You're shocked, right? I can see it in your face. Yes, I can't say that any of us are surprised that Missoula's Garden City Brewfest is cancelled, but we're certainly disappointed.
Brewfest was supposed to happen on Saturday, May 2nd and was postponed to Saturday, June 20th. Given the state's current Phase 2 guidelines for reopening, the Missoula Downtown Association has made the decision to not hold the event. Bob McGowan, President of the Missoula Downtown Association Board of Directors, explained that Brewfest brings a bit too much touching and refilling of glasses, so the board felt it irresponsible to move forward with the event for 2020.
About 3,500 people typically attend the Garden City Brewfest, with funds helping to keep Missoula beautiful, with things such as downtown flower baskets, holiday décor, marketing, planning and advocacy for the MDA. It's our sincere hope that our state's largest and most-recognized beer event returns in 2021 with the more than 70 beer samples, live music, and awards that we've come to look forward to each year.
To end on a positive note, Missoula bars and restaurants are now allowed to stay open later, and will do so starting today. Here's more on that.