According to PopSugar, here are 6 things your boss always notices about you. Sadly, your awesome work ethic and unpaid overtime did not make the list.

1.  What time you get to work, and what time you leave. And not in the good way. You may think you're getting away with sneaking in late, but the boss notices.

2.  How you dress.  Obviously the dress code depends on your work environment. We hired a new guy here at our office and I asked him how everything was going. He said good, except everybody was busting his balls for showing up in a tie.

3.  Doing personal stuff on your computer, like shopping or checking Facebook. Aw crap. You mean to tell me the boss knows everything in our search engines?

4.  Swearing.  Again, our office is a bit different. With all the foul words around here, you'd think we were employed on a pirate ship. But apparently in most offices, the boss thinks colorful words make you sound unprofessional.

5.  How you manage your time.  This involves boss friendly words like prioritize, efficiency and deadlines.

6.  How you're fitting in.  Remember, there's no "I" in "TEAM." Even if you're one of those people who lacks the ability to hide their disdain for others with facial expressions, you still have to show up for cake in the conference room when it's somebody's birthday.

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