
5 Best Missoula Freebies
If there is one thing I learned from my life as a college student, it’s how to sniff out a bargain. Luckily, a handful of Missoula establishments have taken good deals to the next level by offering goods and services at a 100-percent discount...

Labor Day in Missoula – What is Open and What is Closed?
For most Americans, Labor Day weekend is the capstone of the summer season. It’s a time when families and friends get together to squeeze the last bit of fun, sun and relaxation out of the season before everyone gets wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of fall...

Summer – The Best Season in Montana
When I was a kid, I always dreaded seeing the first “Back to School” ad on TV. It reminded me that summertime wouldn’t last forever — that eventually, my days of swimming, bike-riding and playing with my friends would be replaced by homework, quizzes and tests...

4 Day Trip Destinations from Missoula
If you’ve got a set of wheels and a day to kill, why not take a mini-vacation to one of these great Montana towns?

5 Ways to Enjoy the Summer Weather in Missoula
Looking for an excuse to get outside? Here are five ways to enjoy the beautiful summer weather in Missoula.

Dress Up Your Summer Barbecue With a Theme
If you thought costume parties were just for kids, think again.

Blue Mountain Observatory to Host Free Public Viewing Nights
One of the advantages to living in a state with so few residents is the lack of light pollution. Even in Missoula, stars are readily visible on clear, cloudless nights.
Where I grew up, I could see even more stars, and they shone even brighter against the backdrop of the pitch-black night sky...

Goodbye for Now, Missoula
When I first moved to Missoula for college, I was scared to leave the dorm parking lot.
I came from a small town with one stoplight. So to me, this city seemed huge, and I was terrified of getting lost.
As the weeks went by, I got braver. I ventured to the mall, and then to the movie theater, and even into some of the neighborhoods where my off-campus friends lived

5 Things I Will Miss Most About Missoula
Photo by Brooke Andrus
All good things must come to an end. I always knew that I would have to leave Missoula eventually, but I can’t believe that the time has really come to pack up and hit the road. I have a feeling that it won’t sink in until I’m hundreds of miles away from Zoo Town and unable to satisfy my craving for a banana-chocolate milkshake from Big Dipper, or a carne asada burrito from

Labor Day in Missoula – What is Open and What is Closed?
For most Americans, Labor Day weekend is the capstone of the summer season. It’s a time when families and friends get together to squeeze the last bit of fun, sun and relaxation out of the season before everyone gets wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of fall

Butte Historical Tours – A Great Reason to Get Out of Missoula
In the minds of most Montanans, Butte is famous for two things: St. Patrick’s Day and the Berkeley Pit. The Mining City often is the butt of jokes made by those of us fortunate enough to live in, shall we say, more aesthetically pleasing areas of the state

5 Common Traffic Violations in Missoula
Photo courtesy of martinhoward/Flickr
When you first got your driver’s license, you were probably extra careful when it came to following the rules of the road. But, as time goes on, most drivers start to get a little lazy, and some end up developing some pretty bad habits. Late