Mike Moody
Jewel Staite — Crush of the Day
Jewel Staite first nabbed our attention playing the sweet, sexy and loveable space mechanic Kaylee on ‘Firefly,’ ‘Avengers’ director Joss Whedon’s celebrated but short-lived sci-fi show. Staite reprises the role for the show’s big screen spinoff, ‘Serenity,’ showing fans a tougher, and somehow hotter, side of Kaylee.
Lethal Suicide — Today’s SuicideGirl
Meet Lethal Suicide, a 22-year-old SuicideGirl from places unknown.
Emma Roberts — Crush of the Day
Emma Roberts is star Julia Roberts’ niece and actor Eric Robert’s daughter. The 21-year-old actress has become a star in her own right with a number of film performances over the past few years.
Zilda Williams — Babe of the Day
Zilda Williams is a 27-year-old Australian model and actress who divides her time between Sydney, Australia and Los Angeles.
Grace Potter — Crush of the Day
Grace Potter is a talented and gorgeous musician who fronts roots rock outfit Grace Potter and the Nocturnals. And when we call here talented, we mean it – Potter sings, writes, and she plays guitar, the electric piano, organ and several other instruments.
Carla Harvey and Heidi Shepherd of ‘The Butcher Babies’ — Crushes of the Day
Hailed as “the hottest band in the world” The Butcher Babes are pleasing metal fans around the nation with their aggressive mix of thrash, glam and industrial rock. Our new favorite hardcore band is fronted by the tough, sexy and scantily clad girl duo of Carla Harvey and Heidi Shepherd, our Crushes of the Day.
Shay Mitchell — Crush of the Day
Actress Shay Mitchell is one of the core hot chicks that make up the primary cast of the hit ABC Family show ‘Pretty Little Liars,’ which ended its second season earlier this week. Mitchell plays Emily fields on the show, a sexy and superstitious lesbian hottie of Irish and Filipino descent.
Kari Byron of ‘Mythbusters’ — Crush of the Day
Shame on us for not adding ‘MythBusters’ geek goddess Kari Byron to the crush list sooner. Kari is perfect crush material — she’s super hot, funny, clever, cool, and she blows stuff up for a living.
Sabrina Bryan — Crush of the Day
Singer-actress Sabrina Bryan will return to the tube next month as a ‘Dancing with the Stars’ All Star.
Chuck Norris Destroys Classic Video Games
Chuck Norris. He can beat anyone or anything in any challenge and not break a sweat. He is, after all, a living, high-kicking, karate chopping, manly facial-hair-growing legend. With a heart.
Nadia Lanfranconi — Crush of the Day
Nadia Lanfranconi, an aspiring singer/model/actress, is rumored to be dating our favorite crazy ‘Lethal Weapon’ star not named Danny Glover (or Joe Pesci or Chris Rock), Mel Gibson.
Ronda Rousey -– Crush of the Day
Our budding obsession with Ronda Rousey is no secret. We pointed you to her hot Twitter pics last week, and we named her one of the most beautiful but brutal female fighters. Well, they don’t call it an obsession for nothing – the Olympic medal winning MMA fighter is our Crush of the Day.