Steven Bohner
Producer Joe’s Snail Face Stunt [FBHW]
A new skin treatment crawled into Japanese clinics. It's called a "snail facial" and it is exactly how it sounds. A professional will place snails all over your face and they will crawl around applying their goo to your skin. Supposedly the treatment is hailed as an elixir for youthful and beautiful skin. The slime they leave behind will have positive effects on your skin. Right...
Chicago Reporter Humiliates Video Bombers During News Report [FBHW]
People have that natural urge to jump in front of a camera when they see a news team out on location. It's called video bombing and it happens quite frequently, much to the dismay of reporters. Well, one clever reporter for Chicago's WGN News decided that he was going to turn the tables on these video bombers.
So This Is How They Record The Sound For Porno Movies [FBHW] [NSFW]
Who knew that their was so much post production in porno!? Apparently their are foley artists in porn too... If you don't know what "foley" is, here is a brief definition: The reproduction of sound effects to be added in post production to enhance the quality of audio. That being said, I don't think anyone could have predicted that they have professional pornography foley artists. W
Attempted Robbery Ends With Robbers Getting Beat Up [FBHW]
People don't always bend to the will of an assailant. Brandon Shawnego is one of those people. While walking around the Medford Center shopping mall last week he was approached by two men and asked for a cigarette. Shawnego said no and was almost immediately attacked by the two men. The robbers didn't anticipate the ass beating they were about to receive.
Eric Zane Performs At The ‘Mr. Ten’ Man Pageant [FBHW]
The guys brought up an interesting event in Zane's past this morning. Apparently, he was in a man pageant in college called 'Mr. Ten.' The competition was mainly between frat guys at Central Michigan University, but Zane through his nerdy radio hat in the ring! Luckily for us, this man pageant was recorded and posted on YouTube for all to enjoy.
New Diet Trend — Butter In Your Coffee Helps You Lose Weight [FBHW]
A recent report claims that adding butter to your coffee causes weight loss and improved brain function. The diet has you add about 2/3 of a stick of butter to your coffee. The guys decided to put this diet to the test. Producer Joe volunteered to consume a cup of buttered coffee. You know, for science. Sounds horrible, looks horrible, and from the look on Producer Joe's face... It is horrib
Arnold Schwarzenegger VS Jesse Ventura [FBHW]
One of the great mysteries in life has finally been solved! After years of wondering who has the larger arms, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jesse Ventura, we can finally put the matter to rest. Old footage from the filming of 'The Predator' has emerged that has an official answer to this question.
Crazy Ex Girlfriend Turns Into A Whale While Leaving Voicemail [FBHW]
Breakups are hard, both parties are often left feeling hurt and lost. But when you summon enough courage to call you ex, be sure you don't moan like narwhal. If you do, you might end up being the butt of a rather internet joke. The girl in this voicemail doesn't heed my advice and instead moans like an orca whale.
Free Beer And Hot Wings Answer Terrible Pageant Questions [FBHW]
Asking a pageant contestant an in depth question about society's ills is like asking a child to solve a differential equation. You will get a painfully incorrect response. In 2007, we got to experience Miss Teen South Carolina's horrible response to a pageant question. No one thought anyone would sound dumber. Until, Miss Utah walked out on stage...
Man Freaks Out At Fast Food Drive-Through Window [FBHW]
At one point of another you have probably gotten a wrong order from a fast food joint. We all have, and most of the time it's really not that big of a deal. But for some people, getting cheese on your burger when you don't ask for it is reason to go absolutely nuts. The guy featured in this clip got unwanted cheese on his hamburger... Watch his ass go nuts!
David Letterman Is Curious… “Are Those Your Drums?” [FBHW]
David Letterman has been on television for over 30 years now, but did you know that he is obsessed with drums? No matter how much Letterman you've watched in your life, I be you didn't take notice of his fascination with visiting bands' drum sets. Most talk show hosts will greet the lead singer first after a band has played. Not Letterman. He heads over to the drummer straight off and asks if
60,000 People Spontaneously Sing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ At Green Day Concert [FBHW]
A crowd of 60,000 people randomly started singing 'Bohemian Rhapsody' at a Green Day concert in Emirates Stadium, London. While the crowd was waiting for Green Day to take the stage, the venue began to play 'Bohemian Rhapsody' through the stadium speakers. What happened next was nothing short of British. The loyalist crowd erupted in song, screaming Queen at the top of their lungs!