Awesome New Griz Hype Film for Spring Football
Montana football is almost here. We have been waiting far to long to see the Griz take the field yet again at WA-GRIZ. But, the wait is finally over. After the pandemic stripped away our hopes of a Fall season, the Griz are returning this Saturday. And they are HUNGRY!
In classic nature television series style, the Montana Grizzlies have released a peek at their spring game hype video. The video that airs just before kick off at WA-GRIZ. Narrated in a David Attenborough-ish way, the new video describes how we all feel after being starved of a fall football season. Much like a bear waking up from their long winters nap. A bear has gone months without food. And, the first thing that he thinks about after emerging from his den is where to find his next meal. Hunting for the thing that he has gone so long without. Searching for a meal that will satisfy that hunger. Engaging in the predator instinct. We are sure that this sums up exactly how the Montana Grizzly Football team feels heading into this Saturday's game. They are hungry to play. And ravenous for a win.
For those of us who are not able to attend the limited seating game this Saturday. Take a minute to watch the following Griz hype video. Featuring footage from some of the last games the Grizzlies played, as well as returning players we are excited to see on the field this Spring. "Hibernation is over....Its time to HUNT!" GO GRIZ!
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