Box-Core Your Way To That Hot Summer Body
Trust me when I say that I understand exactly where you're coming from when you say 'I'm too busy to work out.' Been there, done that a million times!
But we gotta start putting ourselves first, because if we don't, who will?! A couple months ago I made the decision to get myself back into shape. The best advice I've received about putting my fitness first actually came from my dad. He told me to find a physical activity that I like to do and that works for me.
So that's what I did. My personal trainer Rachel Plumage, who works at Ridge Fitness, also teaches a daily Box-Core class. And like the name suggests, it combines both boxing and core circuits in a single one-hour class. She blasts music and pushes you through every tough but fun class that attracts people of all ages. It's one of those classes where you get what you give. So in other words, the harder you push yourself the more you'll get out of the class.
This class works for me and it could work for you too! Plus there are sooo many class times that you can work into even your busiest days.