Congrats to the Winner of a Snowboard Package & Season Pass!
On behalf of Catalyst Communications and Board of Missoula, it is my great pleasure to announce the winner of our "Shred It Forward" teen essay contest. A very bright and driven Hellgate High School student by the name of John won our judges' hearts. Although they tell me it was next to impossible to choose just one winner. Erin from Catalyst explains further in her Instagram post.
View this post on InstagramCONGRATULATIONS to the winner of our Shred It Forward Contest, John!! 🏂 The competition was fierce. We were blown away by the essays submitted. The thoughtfulness, humor & intelligence you teens demonstrated was awe-inspiring...and gave me hope for the future of mankind, actually. Choosing just 1 winner was tough! John’s essay stood out. He demonstrated a beautiful understanding of the Pay It Forward concept, sharing how this prize will also help his younger sis ride, too. ❄️ And, he worked thru logistics, arranging rides, etc. for both him and his sister, so we know this prize will be well used. Like many applicants, he ended his essay with ‘thank you for the opportunity’ which was actually the tie-breaker that allowed ME to win a similar contest when I was 14. Can’t thank ya’ll enough! These essays impacted me deeply. ❤️ I truly wish you all could win. John took home a season pass to @themontanasnowbowl , a lesson, helmet & a snowboard set up courtesy of @alternativemissoula, @boardofmissoula and @catalystmt . He also embraced a profound concept about helping others, a prize unto itself... Shred It Forward... 🏂 C A T #missoulamt #missoula #montanasnowbowl #alt1015 #boardofmissoula #snowboards #essaycontest #youwon #snowboarding🏂 #prayforsnow #payitforward #gooddeeds #heartfelt #gratitudeattitude #wereinthistogether #miraclemoments #ourcommunity #mainstreet #shoplocalplease #communitycounts #montanalife #montanabuainess #exploremt #explorerpage