Corey Taylor Tweets About New Stone Sour, Jonathan Davis Hangs With U.S. Troops & New Dirty Heads — Angel’s Rock Report
How much would you pay for a download of Guns n' Roses' Greatest Hits? Apparently the bargain price of 25 cents was enough to get 85,000 people to buy the album last week. First, the new Google Play download service marked GNR's Greatest Hits down to that figure, and then Amazon matched it. The sales increase of more than 600 percent pushed it to number-three, according to the latest SoundScan figures.
The 2004 collection has sold more than five million copies overall.
Stone Sour have started work on their fourth album. Singer Corey Taylor Tweeted yesterday, "Construction on the new Stone Sour album began... It's gonna be a MONSTER." They're recording with producer David Bottrill, who's worked with Tool and Muse.
On an unrelated-to-Stone Sour note, Taylor ended his Tweet by writing, "Plus, maple syrup is yummy. That is all.
311's annual Unity Tour will see them team up with Slightly Stoopid this summer. The trek starts July 8th in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and visits 38 cities before it wraps up September 5th at White River Amphitheater.
Korn frontman Jonathan Davis recently visited U.S. troops at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. Davis spent time with wounded soldiers, did a signing appearance for fans -- and underwent bomb-disposal training. Davis's training included putting on a bomb suit, learning how to operate a bomb-disposal robot and taking a test that required him to pick up an egg with the robot's claw and drop it into a bowl without breaking it, which he did.
The Dirty Heads' second album will be titled Cabin by the Sea and will hit stores June 19th. They recorded it in Texas with Beastie Boys associate Mario C., and among the guests is Rome, who also appeared on their 2008 breakthrough hit "Lay Me Down." Other collaborators include Matisyahu, Del the Funky Homosapien and Ky-Mani Marley.
The first single off The Dirty Heads' Cabin by the Sea, "Spread Too Thin," is already hitting the airwaves.