DJ Challenge – Aaron Traylor v. J.C.
You've heard about the DJ Challenge between Aaron from our sister station 107.5 Zoo FM and SCKC from right here at 96.3 the Better Station... I mean the Blaze... Now Aaron has decided to challenge me. He has me beat in a lot of things: Height, shoe size, ability to play basketball... but how about some mix-ology skills?
Neither of us have tended bar before in our lives so the scales are fairly even. My only drink making experience comes from the drunk after parties when you have limited alcohol, even more limited mixers, and your just buzzed enough to think, "Yeah, sure, that'll go together, why not?" Some of those intoxicated ideas were never replicated, but a I did hold on to a few!
So here is where I need your help. Aaron and I will be at the Dark Horse at 7pm this Friday (8-31-2012). If you wanna help decide who mixes the better drink, show up! Mixin' starts at 7pm so if you wanna be a test subject be there early. There is no cost, you just have to be 21+. I have an idea of what I'm going to do (I like to call it the "Rocker Shocker") but I'm still waiting to hear what The Tallest DJ in America has up his sleeve...
Aaron of 107.5 v. J.C. of 96.3 the Blaze
The Dark Horse
Friday, August 31
7pm | 21+ | Free
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