Fun, New Missoula Location for 2022 Winter Brewfest
I was saying on the air today, if you've felt down in the dumps and just not yourself, it's likely due to the fact that you haven't been to a brewfest in about a minute. Good news, Missoula's festival season is upon us! (Festival season is late February to September, yeah?)
The Missoula Downtown Association Winter Brewfest is back for 2022 in an all-new location! It's nice to keep things fresh but it's mostly due to the fact that Caras Park is under construction. I mean, you don't want to meet your friends in a cold dirt hole to drink beer, do you? Maybe you do, I don't know what you're in to.
MDA Brewfest 2022
*Just off the Hip Strip in the parking lot of the Boone & Crocket Club (the old Milwaukee Building, behind Bernice's Bakery, see photo below.)
*Saturday, February 26th
*1 - 5 p.m.
*35 Montana beers
*Wine Bar
*Non-alcoholic beverages
*Free to attend
*$20 includes a glass and 5 drink tokens.
*Please, no dogs or pets.
*Obviously, you must be at least 21 to drink and be ready to present your ID.
*Wanna volunteer? I imagine you'll get a free t-shirt and a coupla beers or something out of the deal. Find more info and a sign-up sheet here.
Looking ahead to some of our other favorite annual events, Garden City Brewfest is scheduled for May 7th and this year's Out To Lunch kicks off June 1st with the first Downtown Tonight of the season the following night.