FWP Makes Lighted Nocks for Archery Legal in Montana
As an avid bowhunter, I have always wondered why lighted nocks were outlawed in Montana. There have been many situations I have been in, where they would have come in handy. Mainly trying to find my arrow after missed shots, but we are not going to dwell on that. They also come in handy for a archer to see his arrow flight and recover game. So why were they illegal in Montana? One reason is because Montana did not want electronic devices assisting bowhunters, in the spirit of fair chase. But, now that has changed.
According to the Helena Independent Record: “The lighted nock has always made a lot of sense to me,” FWP Commissioner Matt Tourtlotte said during the board’s Friday meeting. “I would hate for it to be a gateway for this other technology to come tumbling into a sport that has its roots in a primitive core. But I advocated for it in the past, and I support it now.”
A one-month public comment period between December and January drew 1,515 responses, with 1,400 in favor of allowing lighted nocks. Another 114 opposed the idea and one had no comment. Supporters included the Montana Bowhunters Association, while the Traditional Bowhunters of Montana opposed it.