Green Party Will Be on MT Ballots, Only Nine Hours to Enlist Candidates
After reviewing over 5,000 signatures, the Montana Secretary of State's office has approved the Green Party to be on the ballot for the next two years. The approval forced a mad dash by Green party organizers though, as it came on the same day that the candidate filing processes closes. Green Party organizer Danielle Breck explains
"As soon as we found out this morning that we had actually succeeded in our efforts and had gained ballot access, I started reaching out to people around the state who have expressed interest in running. As of right now, we have a U.S. House candidate and a U.S. Senate Candidate: that's Doug Campbell from Bozeman who is running for U.S. House and Steve Kelly, also from Bozeman, will be running for the Senate."
Campbell actually ran last year as an Independent. Breck says they are putting a lot of work into getting candidates for the state legislature.
"I got a call from the Secretary of State at around 8:45 this morning, I'd like to say four legislative candidates and two federal races... that's pretty good for a day's worth of work."
It was actually less than a full-day's worth of time though: candidate filing closed at 5:00 p.m., so Green Party Candidates had less than nine hours from the time of approval to pay their fee and register to run.