Guns n’ Roses Missoula Show Postponed
We finally got the official word that the Guns n' Roses show, scheduled for August 26th at Washington-Grizzly Stadium is POSTPONED. Hey, at least it's not outright cancelled, right??
The event organizer still plans to hold this event, and Live Nation is currently working with the U of M to establish a new date. Hang on to your tickets, you'll get an email as soon as the new date is announced. If you prefer a refund, you will have 30 days to request one once the new date is announced. If a new date isn't announced by July 20, 2020, a 30-day window for refund will open at that time and an email will be sent with information on obtaining your refund.
We originally announced the GnR show back on February 3rd and were crazy excited to share the experience of seeing them live in Missoula with you, as part of our 20th anniversary celebration. Any 20th birthday fun we were planning will have to wait until 2021 thanks to the worldwide pandemic. Hold on to those tickets and we will let you know the instant we get any info on the new date. As one listener pointed out, all we need "is a little patience."