Hamilton Dances Into Daly Days
Young, old and in-between - the families were dancing on Hamilton's Main Street Friday evening as the local group "Who Dat" performed at the annual free Daly Days Street Dance. The block between 3rd and 4th Streets was filled with people in lawn chairs, listening to popular four-piece band - and, in front of the bandstand the dancers were rockin' and rollin'. A true family event, parents were dancing with their kids and smiles were plentiful.
The Daly Days 4th Street stage Saturday includes a Zumba exercise session at 9 a.m., a martial arts demonstration at 10, Adult Musical Chairs at 11 a.m. and the Wiener Dog races at 12 oon. On the first block of Main, the Jerry Wessels Les Schwab Car Show will have some shiny autos. At 3 p.m. the Bitterroot Brewfest takes over, with 60 flavors of brew and the bands "Top House" and "Swatkins and the Positive Agenda." Of course, the Hard Times Bluegrass Festival continues Saturday and Sunday south of Hamilton, just off US 93. Look for the signs. And at Lost Trail Powder Mountain, outdoor activities and 11 bands will be part of the Lost Trail Fest on the Full Moon Weekend. Fun stuff!