Hamilton’s Future Growth Is Under the Microscope
When Hamilton's City Planner Matthew Rohrbach settled into his job, he started examining the 2015 Hamilton Growth Plan. And since then, he's been developing what is called "Envision Hamilton," with input from the town's residents and officials, and watching the unexpected developments that is causing him to seek some adjustments to that 7-year-old vision of the future.
He told KLYQ that much of the 2015 growth policy has been preserved, and that Envision Hamilton "is not a regulatory document; it's a guiding policy document...And it helps us think about where we put infrastructure and how we plan for those infrastructure improvements in a cost-effective way."
The Planning Department's draft proposal will be online this weekend at Envision Hamilton.com. Then, Rohrbach and Assistant Planner Mark Rud will be busy, presenting details to the public in a variety of ways over the next few weeks, starting next week with two-hour sessions at City Hall Community Room June 14 at 8 a.m., 12 Noon and 4 p.m.
Public Presentations on "Envision Hamilton"
Tuesday, June 14:
Thursday, June 16:
Tuesday, June 21:
Each meeting June 16 and June 21 will last about an hour with opportunities for questions.
The draft plan will then go to the Hamilton Planning Board July 18 and to the Hamilton City Council, tentatively planned August 2nd and August 16.