Heroic Frenchtown Rural Firefighters Rescue Dog from Icy Waters
When asked as a little kid "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Lots of kids would say "I want to be a firefighter." or "I want to be a police officer." But, not many of those kids follow through on their dreams. The ones that do, go on to protect and serve their community in many ways. When it comes to firefighter, I'm sure that most don't think that their main job is to rescue cats from trees, or help an old woman after a fall in the kitchen. But, in reality, it is all part of a days work.
With the temperatures plummeting earlier this month. Ice has been starting to grow thicker on most water around western Montana. But, that does not mean that the ice is necessarily safe to be on. One poor pooch found that out recently, after a fall in the icy water near King Ranch Golf Course in Frenchtown. The dog's name is Bear, and we are sure he is thankful that the Frenchtown Rural Fire District wasted no time suiting up in their cold water rescue gear to go fish him out.
According to the FRFD Facebook page
Bear got into some trouble in the water by the King Ranch Golf course, FRFD crews responded and suited up for an ice water rescue. Bear was quickly rescued and reunited with his family!
With warmer temperatures in the forecast this week, make sure to be aware of ice conditions. Quick freezes followed by warm air temperatures can make for "rotten ice" and could potentially have you winter outing all wet.
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