How to Get or Renew Your Driver License in Missoula
Remember the days when you would have to take off a full afternoon from work to camp out in the waiting room at the DMV just to renew your license? Since we only have to renew every 8 years in Montana, you may not know that it doesn't work that way anymore.
You can actually renew your license without having to get off your butt. Here's the link.
Now, if you've never had a Montana driver license, and yes, it's DRIVER, there's no "s", although we will likely say "driver's license" for the rest of our lives, or you want to get a new photo for your renewal, you will have to get off your behind. However, you won't have the opportunity to sit around in the waiting room reading Highlights and Reader's Digest magazines because now you can make an appointment online.
You can make an appointment to take the written and road tests, and renew your license here. You can also call 866-450-8034 to make appointments during regular business hours. And here's a great tip from the DMV, call on their low volume days so you don't end up on hold, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
Driver license renewals will run you $40.50 but your license will be good for 8 years. The Missoula DMV office is located at 2681 Palmer.