How to Get Your Local Band on Montana Radio
We seem to be gaining loads of new listeners every day, so we wanted to remind local artists and bands that we have a local music show every Sunday on The Blaze. It's called 'Local 406' and it airs every Sunday night at 8 p.m. Kromdar is in a local band himself, Blessiddoom, if you're not familiar, they slay faces with the "World's Finest Wet Power Chotch." In fact, Blessiddoom are dropping brand new music during an interview this Friday with the Mistresses of Mayhem, check it out on Facebook Live HERE at 7:30 this Friday, January 22nd.
But back to you and your music. Are you in a rock or metal band? We take submissions for just about every genre, as long as it doesn't suck, and from anywhere in Montana. Although we've been known to feature "almost local" bands from Washington, Idaho, and surrounding states. That was back in the day when live music was a thing and touring bands would be coming through.
Wanna get your band on the show? Email Kromdar at local406@963theblaze.com and please put LOCAL 406 as the Subject so it doesn't get lost among the Junk Mail. And tune in every Sunday at 8 p.m. for a full hour of ass kicking local rock, you can listen live from almost anywhere in the world with our 96.3 The Blaze app. Local 406 is also a great way to make connections and find new band members, or join a band, just shoot Kromdar your info and he'll get it on the air.
And now, please enjoy this kitten participating in 'Down With The Sickness.' You're welcome.