I Love 90s Vanilla Ice Coolio and More at Northern Quest Resort
Close your eyes and picture where you were the first time you heard a Coolio song. Now think about the first time you popped a cassette in and rapped to "Ice, Ice Baby." How about the first time you heard Montell Jordan say "This is how we do it!"
The 90's was a memorable decade. So many things changing so quickly. Technology like the internet was just beginning to surface. Cell phones were giant bricks that could barely fit in your pocket. Not to mention MTV still played music videos. Some of our favorite memories of the decade were the amazing music.
Now you can get all the best artists from the 90s on one stage.
Northern Quest Resort is adding even more excitement to its summer concert series. I Love the 90s is returning to Northern Quest's Outdoor Concert venue to help say farewell to summer 2022.
Wednesday, August 31st near Spokane
Who will be there?
Vanilla Ice
Montell Jordan
Mark McGrath of Sugar Ray
Color Me Badd
and Rob Base
That's right, just about every song will be a giant sing-a-long. Everything from "I swear" to "Fly." Don't forget "Gangstas Paradise."
Pre-sale tickets are going on sale this Wednesday 5/25.
General tickets on sale Friday May 27th.
Tickets range from $49 to $99.
Northern Quest encourages the use of e-commerce to purchase tickets to events held at Northern Quest. TicketsWest is only ticket seller licensed to sell Northern Quest tickets over the Internet: TICKETSWEST.COM or northernquest.com.
Celebrate the 90s this August at Northern Quest Resort.