It’s coming. Are you ready for it? I am. In fact, I look forward to it every year. Yep, that’s right. It’s baseball season. That all-American pass time is here. Little leagues all over Missoula are gearing up and getting ready to play ball.

I grew up playing little league, so this time of year brings back many happy memories from my childhood. The smell of the fresh cut grass, the spring breeze and the new air just after a short rain all signal this special time of year. There’s just something about storing a mouth full of seeds in your cheeks like a squirrel and then spitting the shells like an angry camel that make you feel like a real fan.

These days I’m banished to the bench as a parent, instead of a player. I have to say I miss playing the game, but there is something so fulfilling about watching your child enjoy something that you enjoyed as a child. I guess that’s why baseball is so loved. I know for me there is no other sport that compares.

The pitch, the hit, the field, the out.

The run, the slide, the tag, the umpire shout.

Baseball time is here and there’s no doubt.

We love to watch it all, every single out!


Joy Larson is a mother of four boys, graduate of the University of Montana, animal lover and writer.

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