Missoula, MT (KGVO-AM News) - A 13.5-acre parcel of land located behind Bob Ward Sports and Outdoors in Southgate Mall called ‘Southgate Crossing’ was the setting for a press conference on Wednesday, headed by Missoula Mayor Andrea Davis.

City Investing in the 13.5 Acre Parcel Called Southgate Crossing

“It is nearly 13 and a half acres of property, and it is an exciting opportunity for the City of Missoula and the Missoula Redevelopment agency, to help bring the investment that has been envisioned for this part of our community for some years,” began Mayor Davis.

Mayor Davis expressed her hopes for the property’s development.

“For the city of Missoula, the importance of our investment is that we bring infrastructure investment to this property and the opportunity for us to really catalyze homes, residences, businesses, and public spaces,” she said. “What I mean by that is a connection to South Avenue to Brooks Street. I mean linear likely park space and trail space.”

Mayor Andrea Davis Praised the Cooperation of the Missoula Redevelopment Agency

Mayor Davis said the cooperation with the Missoula Redevelopment Agency is vital to the success of the purchase.

“A major milestone for us to acquire this piece of property is bringing it forward to the Missoula Redevelopment Agency board of directors, and we will be doing that tomorrow,” she said. “The MRA board will hear this project tomorrow, and will consider it for approval, and then with their recommendation, it then moves forward to the Missoula City Council, and the council will then make a decision on the eventual purchase of this property.”

According to a press release from the City of Missoula, “The Redevelopment Agency has completed due diligence, and the next step will be consideration of the use of $5.9 million of Tax Increment Financing money by the MRA (Missoula Redevelopment Agency) on Thursday, October 31. If the board approves, the proposed sale will move to the Missoula City Council for approval.”

Grant Kier, CEO of the Missoula Economic Partnership also spoke at the press conference.

MEC CEO Grant Kier Praised the Public and Private Partnership

“The most important thing I can do today is acknowledge the incredible work of the public and private sector coming together to make this happen,” said Kier. “We have two different families and groups owning all of this property, and they are coming to the table selling this property to the city for below appraised value, because they understand what it is for those in this community to have houses that people can afford.”

Also speaking at the press conference were Scott Burke, President and CEO of First Security Bank, Karissa Trujillo, Executive Director of Homeword, and Mike Nugent, Missoula City Council member and a local business owner.

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