They say it's not good form to steal a bride's thunder on her wedding day. In this case, though, we think it was completely acceptable.

Ralph Duquette is a leukemia survivor who underwent extensive physical therapy to regain the ability to use his legs -- all so he could surprise his daughter, Heather, by walking her down the aisle on her wedding day last weekend in Old Orchard Beach, Maine.

Duquette, who had also been in a coma and spent five days in a coma, worked on his walking over the summer, while keeping his surprise under wraps.

When the moment came, Ralph was ready. "My heart is beating like you can' was, like, man," he said.

As you can see in the video, it's extremely moving and stunned Heather:

It's difficult to talk about with people and to watch the video because it makes me want to just start crying again, because I remember how I felt and I know I'll never feel anything like that again. It was a miracle. It was something that just made my day more than I could expect it to be."

As if Ralph's giving Heather away was not enough of a gift, he even managed to dance with her during the reception, putting the perfect cap on this most perfect day.

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