Score the Gift of Free Lift Tickets With an All-Ages Elf Hunt
We never participated an Elf on a Shelf in our house and judging by the memes with sentiments such as "when you get all cozy in bed and realize you forgot to move the elf," I'm glad we didn't. I will tell you that if I had a dollar for every time someone sent me the "forget Elf on a Shelf" and it's the 'Grohl on a pole' meme I could retire early and buy Christmas gifts for every child in Montana.
We're up to some holiday elf fun on the mountain this week and thought you'd want to get in on it! Lost Trail Powder Mountain has launched its first-ever Elf on the Mountain contest. Use fun, whimsical clues to help find the hidden Elf from this Wednesday, December 22nd through Christmas Eve Friday. Candy cane clues will let you know that the Elf is nearby. Check Instagram and Facebook each morning for a clue about the Elf’s location that day.
For a chance to win a 10-Day transferable pass to Lost Trail, post your selfie to social media using the hashtag #LostTrailElf. Each time you find the Lost Trail Elf, post a selfie for another chance to win. Hints: the Elf will be in different locations on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday and if you find them all you'll have six chances to win.
Winners will be announced on Lost Trail’s socials on January 1, 2022. Lost Trail is open every day from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. now through winter break, including Christmas day and New Years Day.
Have our app? Here's a bonus chance to win a pair of Lost Trail lift tickets good for any day this season. Enter below by noon on December 31st.