Mandles : Candles for Dudes
You know when you walk into a chicks apartment and it smells like fresh baked apple pie or an ocean breeze? The brand Yankee Candle has hundreds of smelly creations that are very popular with the ladies. But now the company has expanded to the male demographic, by releasing smells that us guys can respect.
According to guyspeed.com "While Yankee Candle is dead-on accurate that dudes ADORE candles, they missed the mark on the preferred scents of the modern man. Offering such waxed treats as “Riding Mower,” “First Down” and “Man Town,” these feel like the last thing a guy wants to smell like while putting the finishing touches on his creme brulee and waiting for his bath to hit just the right temperature."
We need smells like "Winter Morning Exhaust", "New Gun", "Ta Ta Residue", "Home Depot Lumber Dept" and "Doe in estrus."
Check out the smells guyspeed.com thought up.
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