There's something about Mastodon members and awkward bathroom encounters. There was that time Pantera legend Philip Anselmo knelt down to admire bassist Troy Sanders' penis at a urinal and now Brent Hinds has parried his bandmate with a tale about escorting AC/DC's Angus Young to the bathroom.

"Angus Young was my original first favorite guitar player," Hinds said on the Let There Be Talk (audio below at 27:12) podcast when discussing some of his early influences. It turns out, the guitarist expressed this to Young during a chance meeting at a Golden Gods Awards show. One of Hinds' liaisons was supposed to escort Young to the bathroom, but knowing the Mastodon axeman was a huge fan, instructed him to do so instead.

"So I take him, like grab his arm and take him to the bathroom. I was waiting for him and I was like, 'Hey man, I just want to thank you for your work,'" said Hinds, "and he just looks at me like I've got shit on my face or something. 'I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you.' And he said, 'What are you talking about?' I'm like, 'I started playing guitar because of you.' And he's like, 'Quit pissing in my pocket.' I was like, 'Fuck you,' basically. I say, 'Your pocket is way too far down there to piss in."

Urban Dictionary defines this Australian slang phrase: "Pissing in a person's pocket means to insincerely attempt to convince a person that you're doing them a favor, when you actually have only your own interests (generally either making a profit or ingratiating oneself) at heart. "

Brent Hinds on Let There Be Talk Podcast

See Angus Young and Brent Hinds in the Top 66 Hard Rock + Metal Guitarists of All Time

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