MCPS Superintendent on Extended School Closures “Seems Likely”
UPDATE: As of 3 p.m. on 3/24, schools are closed through April 10th (Easter weekend.) Please see below for meal delivery and info on online remote learning.
In an email sent by Missoula County Public Schools Superintendent Rob Watson on Monday, March 23rd, he stated that a continued closure of schools "seems likely." As you know, Spring Break was extended through this Friday, March 27th, with hope that school would be back in session on Monday, March 30th, but it doesn't sound like that is likely to happen. A likely scenario is that public schools will go to remote online learning if the closure period extends past March 27th.
As you are aware, the Governor’s office issued a directive for school closure from March 16 - March 27. In addition, our local public health officials have closed down local establishments, like restaurants and gyms, in an effort to limit community gathering. At this time, we are not sure if the Governor or the local health department will extend these closures, however, it seems likely as things are becoming more restrictive, rather than less. As soon as we are notified of any possible extension of closure, we will send a notification to parents and staff.
The school board will meet tomorrow, March 25th, at 6 p.m. The agenda and Facebook Live link to watch are here. To participate in remote learning this week (not required, but encouraged) use this link. For meal delivery info for all school kids under 18 years of age, scroll to "Meals" here.