Missoula County Sheriff Patrol Area Lakes on Jet Skis
With the sun beating down on us each day, the only escape is to hit the water. Just take a drive to Seeley Lake and the town is packed. People from all over are looking for relief from the summer heat. What better way to cool off than spending the day on the water.
According to Allmissoula.com
Clearwater Chain of Lakes is comprised of over two dozen lakes within the Clearwater River Valley. Included within the chain are the following sizeable tributaries of the Clearwater River: Rainy Lake, Lake Alva, Lake Inez, Seeley Lake, Placid Lake, and Salmon Lake. These six lakes are accessible from MT-83 and feature well-developed campgrounds, excellent fishing, and plenty of water activities including jet-skiing, water-skiing, and swimming.
With how popular these lakes are this time of year, it has got to be hard to make sure everyone is obeying the law. That is why the Missoula County Sheriff's Department has added some new vehicles to their patrol squad.
According to KPAX
The Missoula County Sheriff's Office is using jet skis to maintain and patrol the many lakes in this zone of the county.
“They are very handy because they're easier to run than a boat. It’s one person operation pretty nice, and he can go out and do two to three lakes in a day,” said Missoula County Sheriff’s Deputy Robert Parcell.
The jet skis will allow three deputy's to patrol for reckless driving, and ensuring safety of people recreating. Before the Missoula County Sheriff's Department had a boat that required a lot more time and effort to launch. With the jet skis, the deputy's can now cover more of the area lakes simultaneously.