Missoula Man in ICU with COVID Needs Help Finding Cat
As much as we like to think the pandemic is behind us, and it is all clear sailing from here. The threat of contracting the virus and winding up in the hospital is still very real. Even with more and more Montanans getting vaccinated each day, cases are still being reported. In fact, According to the Montana Department of Health and Human Services, 813,740 COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered and 393,723 Montanans are fully immunized. In Missoula, 119,449 doses have been administered and 58,260 people are fully immunized. Yet, there are currently 732 active cases in the state. 404 cases were reported last week and 466 cases were reported the week before.
One of those cases, happens to be our buddy Bill. He is currently in ICU battling COVID-19. But, he is missing his best friend and partner in crime.
According to a recent post on Facebook
KEEP READING: See how animals around the world are responding to COVID-19