All Missoula Parks & Rec Summer Programs Facing a Staff Shortage
Pretty much ever since the pandemic hit, we've been facing all different kinds of shortages as a society. Famously, there was the toilet paper shortage; in the past year, Montana has also seen shortages on jet fuel, hay, snow tires, and Jameson. Which is a shame, because I was planning on running over a bunch of hay bales on my jet-fuel powered supertruck with some brand new snow tires and then having a shot of Jameson after to celebrate. These shortages are killing all kinds of fun all over the place!
But really, the shortage that has been probably most affecting Montana - and the country at large - is the worker shortage. A lot of people were fired or laid off from their jobs as a result of COVID, but in the years since it first started, it has become clear that many jobs - especially those in the service industry or dealing with the public - are having a hard time convincing people to come back to work.
Missoula Parks & Rec is Facing a Staffing Shortage
That's the problem that Missoula Parks & Rec is looking at now that it's heading into the summertime. Every year, they put on a variety of different summer programs and activities, and according to NBC Montana, they currently have "zero staffing" for the month of June.
That's not exactly where you want to be when you're just a month away from these programs starting, so Missoula Parks & Rec is urgently hiring seasonal employees for these summer programs. If you'd like to apply, you can do so right here - the website also notes that many seasonal or intermittent employees have gone on to get a full-time position there, in case you're thinking about career advancement as a factor here.
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FOR SALE: Naps Grill in Hamilton, Montana
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