Montana County Commissioner Describes “500-Year Flood”
Carbon County Commissioner Bill Bullock says the flooding that hit Southcentral Montana this week is being described as a "500-year flood" during a townhall meeting in Red Lodge on Tuesday night.
Commissioner Bill Bullock: They've talked about the 100 year flood. That was in 2011. They're calling this a 500 year flood. So this has never happened before in our memory.
The commissioner himself is an evacuee and told residents that everyone- from the feds, to the state, to the local government is all in when it comes to helping out with area flooding.
Commissioner Bill Bullock: Tried to manage the best we could we've been working very closely since the inception. With our federal partners, our local partners, our state partners, everybody has got a toe in this game without exception.
He said county road crews were putting warning signs in front of bridges on Sunday night. When they would show up later to check on the signs, the bridges would be gone.
The above remarks came from Tuesday night's townhall meeting in Red Lodge. Here's a link to the full townhall meeting in Carbon County on Tuesday night.
Meanwhile, in Park County, Montana residents are now able to get in and out of Gardiner, Montana. Here's the full audio of my conversation with Park County Sheriff Brad Bichler:
While Highway 89 was able to be re-opened on Tuesday for traffic to flow in and out of Gardiner, the sheriff says tourists were being encourage to leave as soon as possible, and they are hoping to limit traffic to residents only. Delivery traffic for supplies into Gardiner is also being allowed.
LOOK: Historic 2022 Flooding in Southern Montana Not Soon to Be Forgotten
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