Montana Officials Seek to Control Weather in Key Areas of State
It sounds like a sinister plan from an "evil genius" on a late-night movie—a madman's scheme to harness the powers of nature. What if I told you that this is not a late-night movie plot, but a REAL thing that is happening right here in Montana?

The Big Hole Valley has been suffering from a terrible drought for years now. The lack of high-elevation snowpack and the lack of moisture in key parts of the summer have created a disaster for agriculture and wildlife in the valley.
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According to KXLF in Butte, the DNRC is considering "cloud seeding" in the Big Hole Valley.
The state of Montana is considering using "cloud seeding" to try to improve snowpack in the Big Hole Watershed.
Cloud seeding is the releasing of silver iodide into the air in the winter months to create clouds that produce snow.
The DNRC believes this would be most effective in the Big Hole Watershed and could create 10 to 15 percent additional snowpack.
Cloud seeding has proven to work for other places affected by drought. My only concern is the whackos that are going to claim the cloud seeding is giving everyone brain damage.
According to thebulletin.org
Cloud seeding is a form of planned weather modification. Most commonly used to increase precipitation as a drought management technique, cloud seeding is also regularly used to clear fog in airports, fight forest fires, suppress hail, and even divert rainfall, as it was used, for example, during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing
Lets just hope that something can be done for the people in the Big Hole Valley. Just cross your fingers that the snow doesn't get so high the farmer can't get to their tractors.
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Gallery Credit: Brian Lee
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