Montana Ranks High for Most Wine Loving State in US
Judging by the amount of breweries we have here in Montana, you wouldn't think we were BIG fans of wine. Also, judging by the lack of proper growing season for grapes, and lack of vineyards. As it turns out, our geological location doesn't seem to stop us from putting down some vino.
My guess is that we are a state filled with cattle. Red meat is a staple of a majority of Montanans diets. And what goes beat with red meat? WINE!
The folks at Zippia dug up the data to find the most wine loving states in America. Of course the first that come to mind are the one's that are home to some of the country's largest vineyards. But, some states might surprise you.
According to Zippia, here is how they figured it out.
To find out which states will be celebrating the hardest, we analyzed wine consumption data to see which states drink the most wine– and which states’ corkscrews are in the back of the drawer.
When it comes to consumption of wine, our neighboring state of Idaho seems to drink it by the gallon. Idaho averages 38 bottles of wine per person. With places like California coming in farther down the list of states that consume the most. With only 19 bottles per person. As for us here in Montana, We drink our fair share of wine. Putting down roughly 16 bottles of wine per person.
When it comes to our favorite type of wine, Zippia found that Montanans prefer a smooth Cabaret with their steak dinners.
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