Montana Vets Take Montana’s Last Pearl Harbor Veteran to Lunch
We are less than a month from commemorating the 80th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. As FDR said in his speech to Congress, it was "A day that will live in infamy." For one Montana veteran, it is a day he has never forgotten.
An Anaconda man by the name of Charlie Dowd, was just 17 years old the day he was awoken by the sound of the Japanese attacks. Attacks that shook the harbor in Hawaii at 7:48 am on December 7th, 1941. These attacks left a total of 188 U.S. aircraft destroyed; 2,403 Americans were killed and 1,178 others were wounded.
According to a recent report from KXLF in Butte, Charlie woke up by the sound of a large "ka-boom." He noticed a huge ball of fire just outside his window. Charlie was ordered to take cover. Shortly after they began looking for volunteers to fight back. Wearing nothing but a t-shirt, Charlie grabbed his 30-06 rifle and climbed to the roof of the building they were taking cover in. He and other volunteers fired their rifles at attacking planes until their barrels were red hot. It had to be a chaotic sight to see.
As a way to show their respect for Montana's last Pearl Harbor veteran, the American Legion Post 21 in Anaconda decided to take Charlie out for a bite to eat.
According to KXLF
“It took a lot of fortitude to climb up on top of that building, you know, it really did. I can’t imagine scrambling to be on top of that and start shooting. So, it was definitely heroic,” said American Legion Post 21 Commander Wells Cahoon.
With Veterans Day taking place tomorrow, I challenged each and every one of you reading this article to do the same. I challenge you to take a veteran out for a bite to eat. Buy them a beer. Share some laughs. Maybe they will share some stories of their service. It is the least we can do to say "Thank you for your service to our country."