With the awesome upcoming shows I thought I would share a few mosh pit/ floor crowd dos and don’ts.  This is not a complete guide. Just what I have observed, and my personal recomondation…

1)      Do not get upset if someone gets in front of you, get even: I was recently at uproar tour and witnessed a 6’ plus man whine like a little b**ch because some 5’ nothing girl squeezed in front of him.  Really dude? This is a situation with a lot of grey area especially concerning body type.  If someone gets in front of me, I will work my way back in front of them. If the tall dude in previous situation did the same… might not be seen the same way.  Use good judgment.

2)      If you are prego… stay out of the pit:  While moshing at Summer slaughter back in ’09, I needed to give my body a break from running around in what felt like a circular gauntlet.  While making my exit, I was pushed into the back of a chick standing in front of the stage.  She instantly began to chew my ass about my “intentionally slamming into” her. When she turned around, this chick was at least 6 months pregnant. I didn’t think this she could be any more angered at me until I asked her if she was stupid or desperately trying to terminate a pregnancy. Don’t be dumb. Then again if she was just fat… my bad

3)      Someone falls down pick them up: Common sense will save falling drunk people from getting trampled

4)      Do not complain about getting pushed and/or shoved: If you do not want to be touched, pushed, or shoved, why would you want to be in the one place that it is an almost garunteed occurance?  If you are not willing to deal with it, stay out.  If you are excited enough to be that much closer to a band you have been waiting to see, take the bruises.  They make for some good stories later

5)      Don’t bring your drink into the pit:  If you have a drink in hand and plan on heading into the pit, down it before you dive in.  There is a good chance you will spill it, thus creating a slippery floor leading to more falling drunks you will have to pick up later.  Save yourself the extra work. Besides, spilling beer bought at a rock show is a waste of money and even worse, a waste of beer.

And last but not least…. DON’T BE A DOUCHE!

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