New To Missoula? The God Awful Reserve Street Smell Explained
Let's get into this once and for all. If you are new to Missoula, there is a good chance you are wondering what that smell is right off the Reserve street bridge.
There are so many positive things that make Missoula unique. I mean why else would the entire state of California up and move here? For the natives, however, we forget about some of the other "unique" Missoula things, or we have just gotten used to them. One of which is the god-awful smell right by the Walmart on North Reserve street. I get so tired of newcomers asking what the smell is I've honestly just started making up answers to entertain myself but to avoid confusion I'll just get the honest answer out there now.
There are a few businesses located very close to each other that attribute to the funk. Now, before I explain, I want to say that in no way is this meant to bash or shed any negative light on them. We definitely need their service, especially the Daly's Bacon plant.
Waste Water Utility: This is pretty self-explanatory. It's a wastewater treatment plant. The bad water from your sinks, showers, and toilets has to go somewhere, and it ends up off Clark Fork Lane which is, you guessed it, right off the Reserve Street Bridge.
Garden City Compost: These guys take care of wood chips, sawdust, and compostable kitchen materials and food. They are also located right off Clark Fork Lane. I've heard from a few people that have worked and visited here, however, and they have said there is virtually no smell.
Daily's Bacon: Now, this isn't necessarily the "bad smell" you could be getting a waft of, but if it mixes in with all the other scents, it could definitely add to the pungent aroma.
The Homeless Camp: The city has made a valiant effort to have this camp taken down and moved. At one time it was its own small city without any bathroom facilities etc. You can see how that would add to the unpleasant smell. It has since been removed, however, you can see people breaking down the fence barrier and trying to re-establish it. In no way am I disparaging the homeless community here. Just making a point.
Now, in the summertime when it can reach triple-digit numbers, and all of these smells combine like Captain Planet, it makes for a very unpleasant drive. I used to live on that side of town and wondered why rent was so much cheaper. That is until my first summer there. Then it made sense.
There you have it, newcomers. Welcome to Missoula and our smelly part of town.