That Time Noodles From The Offspring Crashed on a Missoula Couch
There are plenty of Missoula porches that feature couches, but have you ever found your porch Cadillac occupied by none other than Noodles from the Offspring?
I was rocking the airwaves the other day, and in the middle of an Offspring tune I was gazing out the window and a lightbulb dimly went off in my head. "Oh! Dude! Noodles from the Offspring hung out that one time in Missoula and crashed on some rando's porch couch, and I have the audio to prove it!"
Here is the setup. Back in about 2011 when I left the Blaze, I traveled down to some bigger markets to sow my radio oats. Ya know, hit the big time and such. One of those markets was none other than the Devil's taint, Palm Springs, California. I was working for their rock station, KCLB, when a new tour for the Offspring was announced with some California dates we would be promoting. Also, they had a Billings, Montana date as well. I knew I was going to interview Noodles to talk about the tour, and I always try to give Montana a little shout-out in my interviews if I can tie it together.
So during the interview, I mention, "I see you guys are playing a Billings, Montana show. This has got to be your first time playing Montana, correct?"

Dude, absolutely not. Noodles remembered every single Montana show they have played all the way back to 1989! Even the small VFW clubs way back in the day. He mentioned how much he loved Missoula and made plans to take his family here to visit even off the tour. I mean, can you blame him? We're awesome people in an awesome place. When we got to chopping it up about Missoula he totally remembered crashing on someone's porch couch. I REALLY want to know if we can find this Missoula O.G that had the honor of Noodles crashing on their couch.
'Missoula is a beautiful, beautiful city. Western Montana is just gorgeous.
I remember sleeping on somebody's porch in Missoula" - Nooodles (Offspring)
Check out the excerpt of the audio from 2013 below: