One More Chance For Comment On Townhome Project on Monday
Citizens will have one more opportunity to comment on the townhome exemption development conditional use request for the Kolendich Grove Street townhomes this Monday before the Missoula City Council.
City Planning Supervisor Mary McRea explained that one of the main issues that brought this issue before the council was that a certified letter has not been mailed at one of the neighborhood councils.
“Title 20 required that a certified letter be sent to the Two Rivers Neighborhood Council, but that was not done,” McRea said.
McRea said City Attorney Jim Nugent determined that the conditional use permit will now be presented to the council this Monday.
“In consultation with the city attorney, staff has scheduled this to go on the December 18th city council agenda,” she said. “The sole reason for delaying action on it was in order to provide proper notification to the Two Rivers council, and there’s no one to notify, so council will take up this item for discussion on Monday night.”
McRea said there will be an opportunity for more public comment at Monday night’s meeting. All the previous material regarding this issue is available on the city of Missoula’s website under the ‘meetings and agendas’ tab.