A freak fire in the home of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne early this morning (Jan. 17) has left metal music's 'Prince of Darkness' with singed hair, no eyebrows, minor burns to his face and a setback to an existing hand injury.

Firefighters were called to the Osbournes' Beverly Hills home at around 4:45 AM this morning to extinguish a fire caused by a candle which had not been blown out before the husband and wife retired to bed. The candle was housed in a glass vase that reportedly exploded, causing a small fire in the Osbourne's living room. Sharon and Ozzy, who had undergone hand surgery the day before, attempted to put out the flames, but their efforts resulted in minor injuries to the Black Sabbath vocalist.

Ozzy attempted to put out the fire with his hand still in the cast from his surgery as Sharon got some water and unintentionally caused the oily fire to spread as she splashed the flames. The resulting blast of fire burned Ozzy's long hair up to his ears, seared off his eyebrows and left his cheeks skinned. Luckily, Sharon and the Osbourne's many pets suffered no injuries.

Sharon described the incident with intricate detail on her show 'The Talk' today [via Contact Music]:

At five o' clock (in the morning), I heard a noise like metal had fallen. I thought it was my housekeeper coming in and she had dropped her keys on the tiles, that's what it sounded like, so I didn't pay any attention. A few minutes later, my eyes are stinging and my throat's closing up, (I thought), 'Something's weird smelling in here'.

Then my dog started to bark. I go downstairs and the whole living room (was on fire). The candle had burst and the cracking sound was the glass and the candle exploding...

My husband had an operation on his hand yesterday so he's in a complete cast... He comes down and goes, 'Oh, the fire, the fire!' (and tries to put it out) with his hand in the cast. Then he opens the French doors and I go into the kitchen and throw water on it and it erupted...

Ozzy's front of his hair from (his ear down is), gone! His eyebrows (are gone)... he's got like, skinned cheeks. We are, like, two idiots, it was like The Three Stooges... Everything you are not meant to do - go to bed with candles alight, open the doors and put water on - we did it all.

They (the firemen) come up, they give us a lecture, and Ozzy's like, 'She's been doing this to me for 32 years! You tell her, you tell her, no more candles!'

I apologize to my husband because he put himself out. He made his hand worse, it started to bleed, the whole nine yards, and I'm sorry and I love you and I will never light a candle again...

I want to thank the firemen from Beverly Hills Fire Station because you are magnificent there and I want to say to everyone out there, please, please check your candles before you go to bed.

We're glad to hear Ozzy escaped with only minor injuries. As it stands, 2013 is shaping up to be big year for the metal legend, as Black Sabbath have just announced that they will release their long-awaited new album, '13,' in June.

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