Popular Infant Cereal Recalled in Montana
We see recalls all of the time and we check our freezers for some chicken we need to throw out, or maybe some cold cereal that may have had exposure to peanuts. And that's serious business, but it's double trouble when it comes to our babies.
What Infant Cereal Was Recalled?
-Parent’s Choice Rice Baby Cereal, 8 oz, lot # 21083, date June 24, 2022
-Parent’s Choice Rice Baby Cereal, 8 oz, lot # 21084, date June 25, 2022
-Parent’s Choice Rice Baby Cereal, 8 oz, lot # 21242, date Nov. 30, 2022
What do they look like?
What's wrong with it?
This recall is a result of a routine sampling program by the FDA which found that a sample from three production lots of Parent’s Choice Rice Baby Cereal tested above the guidance for naturally occurring inorganic arsenic.
Where might I have purchased this?
You may recognize 'Parent's Choice' as a Walmart brand, and you're right. The recalled infant cereal was distributed nationally through Walmart stores and online.
DPHHS officials say while efforts to remove the product from Walmart stores have taken place, it’s important that Montanans check their kitchen cupboards for this product. DPHHS Director Adam Meier says,
Our message to Montanans is to take time to check if this product is in their possession, and if so, discard it.
As a parent, I know that sometimes we'll save formula, baby food, or baby cereal in case we find ourselves in a spontaneous babysitting situation. So really do check your cupboards, it would be awful to get a baby sick. It's also important to know that no illnesses related to the product lots have been reported to date and no other production lots or Parent’s Choice products are affected by this recall.