If you were to tell me that I won the Powerball Jackpot, the first item I would foresee purchasing would be a house. Then the usual suspects involved in a million dollar shopping spree, i.e. jet skis, cars, helicopters, airplanes, boats and even strip clubs. But with $550 million in the jackpot, all of those items wouldn't even make a dent in my cash wad. So what else would I buy with the money?

1) A NHL Hockey Team - The Boston Bruins and Detroit Red Wings are currently valued at approximately $347 million. See the teams you could buy.


2) A NASCAR team - With the money I have left over after buying a NHL team, I would probably buy Dale Jr's team. Earnhardt/Ganassi Racing is currently valued at $72 million. See how much the other teams cost.

Dale Earnhardt Jr's Facebook
Dale Earnhardt Jr's Facebook

3) A MLB team - If either the NASCAR or NHL team make money, I would probably use the rest of my money as a down payment on the Kansas City Royals. With my initials being K.C, why not own the team that already has my name. They only cost a mere $472 million. See how much your team costs.


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