Ravalli County started December 31, 2018, with five county commissioners. After swearing ceremonies at the Administration Center, there were only three. A few years ago, a Local Government Study Commission proposed increasing the three-member board to five. The voters passed the measure. Then, in a reversal, the latest Local Government Study Commission proposed going back to three commissioners. The voters approved it. In the November election, Doug Schallenberger and Ray Hawk decided not to run and the remaining commissioners - Chris Hoffman, Greg Chilcott and Jeff Burrows - won re-election.

Monday, at the Commissioners meeting room, the five-member board appointed the various county citizen boards and then held a Swearing-in Ceremony for all the county officers - including Sheriff, Treasurer, County Attorney, Clerk and Recorder and three Commissioners. A short "farewell" gathering was held immediately after and plaques were presented to Schallenberger and Hawk.

treasurer sworn in
Ravalli County Treasurer Daniel Whitesett being sworn in by Clerk and Recorder Regina Plettenberg. (Steve Fullerton, Townsquare Media)

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