Score a Free Beanie at Blaze Night at the Ballpark
We're getting ready for Blaze night at the Ballpark with our Missoula PaddleHeads and you know we're hookin' up freebies. Outside of, maybe, fireworks night, this will be the best game of the season as the first 750 people through the gate will get a Blaze beanie, just in time for fall! We've been taunting KC, telling him if he's not there he doesn't get one, because he'll be in Helena that night. I guess that leaves me to throw out the first pitch, huh? I pitch better than him anyway.
Blaze Night is Wednesday, September 8th, as the PaddleHeads face the Billings Mustangs. Get tickets here, and watch your Blaze app between now and then to win tickets for your family. We'll also have a table at the game, so swing by for Blaze stickers and to get your name in for a chance to win concert tickets and other free stuff.
It's also Woof Wednesday that night, meaning, the PaddleHeads celebrate your furry friends at the ballpark by inviting you to bring your dog out for the ballgame.
Other notable games coming up are Pride Night on Friday, September 3rd, with a fireworks show and it's Launch-a-Ball night, too. Get tickets for that night here. After our game on the 8th, it's Thirsty Thursday and Star Wars Trivia on the 9th, and the season wraps up on the 10th, with Fan Appreciation Night.
Don't miss out on FREE Blaze beanie night on September 8th, those will look sick with your Blaze Buffs that you won at the Birthday Bash!