There have been many failed attempts on my part concerning alcohol chemistry.  Mainly because I test my own product, fix it if need be, test again, fix, test, fix, test, and so on.  After X amount of tests, you really dont care if you got it right anymore. 

One night, while making jello shots, I decided to experiment with different ratios of water to alcohol and wether vodka or everclear was better at each ratio.  by the end of the night, I had a freezer full of jello shots each favor was a different alcohol content and vodka and everclear were on opposite sides.   I found the perfect raito of alcohol to water for a jello shot.  The issue is that we all agreed the grape ones were the best (even the pizza delivery guy that decided to hang out for a bit), but none of us could remember which ratio they were... the struggle of an experimental alcoholic.... I will tell you everclear does make a a better jello shot.

Getting to the point, Im tired of experimenting and getting so messed up that as soon as I get the right mix, I cant remember how the hell I did it! Well, not tired of getting messed up, just not remembering the perfect mix. So here is the deal.  I love Skittles and I like vodka.  A friend of mine told me about Skittles infused vodka.  This is the recipe that I have, but if you know of a better way, definately let me know! 

Skittles (1lb bag)    vodka (the big bottle... 1.75?)

seperate Skittles by color into empty water bottles

fill with vodka (rule of thumb is one oz  vodka per 10 skittles)

shake, sit overnight, shake, strain through coffee filter into mason jars, chill in freezer.

Let me know how it works! email me @

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