‘Star Wars’ Trivia Party at Highlander Beer in December
Alright, I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and I am counting down the days until Episode 9, The Rise of Skywalker. I've got tickets to see it in IMAX on its opening night, and I'm already making plans to see it again a couple of days later. I haven't even seen the movie yet! That's an insane person thing to do! But that's what Star Wars does to people.
And the day before the opening of Rise of Skywalker, Highlander Beer is having a Star Wars trivia party to celebrate. December 18th from 5 to 8 PM, stop by and test your knowledge about everything from Ewoks to Gungans to Wookies to Twi'leks. Show up in costume and it gets you $1 off your first beer, too.
Here's the info from their Facebook event page:
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....
Star Wars TRIVIA night is coming to Highlander Beer! Wednesday December 18th come get in the Star Wars spirit just days before the new movie premiers in theaters and prove your nerd knowledge! Plus, $1 off your first beer if you dress up for the occasion!
Special sparkly space beer on cask!
Pizza special!
PRIZES and more!
May the force be with you! See you on the 18th!
Any Star Wars nerds (like me) out there looking to check this out?
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