Alright, what is with this sloth on a stripper pole?

It first came to my attention during a trip to Rockin' Rudy's over the weekend. The image was featured on a shower curtain and I had to wonder if I had birthday drank myself into another time and dimension, or if this was actually a 'thing'. It's a thing alright, I found dozens of stripping sloth images on the interwebs.

I've been trying to weed 'random' from my vocabulary, as in 'oh my god, that's SO random!' But oh my god, the stripping sloth is SO random. She's obviously good at what she does though, after all, you can clearly see that it's raining.

I considered buying the shower curtain but we already have the raddest shower curtain in all the land so we passed. Perhaps I'll go with the stripping sloth grandma sweater instead.

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