Suspicious Impersonation of Law Enforcement Reported in Missoula and Ravalli County
Imagine getting pulled over for a traffic stop, and immediately getting the feeling that something isn't right. Even if you don't get pulled over often, you can easily identify a law enforcement vehicle when you see one. They have multiple identification markers on them. The only exception would be under cover law enforcement vehicles. But, even those have some sort of identification located on them. Then again, how often to under cover officers do routine traffic stops? How about the law enforcement officers themselves? You can easily recognize a patrol officer by their uniforms, badge and insignia patches. Even under cover officers will show you their badges when approaching your vehicle. So it is pretty clear, that if you are suspicious about whether or not the officer pulling you over is legit. Chances are they might not be.
The Ravalli County Sheriffs Office recently reported a person impersonating law enforcement on Highway 93.
According to the confirmed report from the Ravalli County Sheriffs Office
On 04-09-21, there was a report of a possible law enforcement impersonator during a traffic stop at mile marker 77 of Hwy 93 south in Missoula County. The suspect was described as a white male, ~6’ tall, normal build with a brown goatee. He was wearing black boots, black cargo pants, “trooper hat”, dark aviator sunglasses, a collared shirt and a black windbreaker. He was wearing a duty belt with a left-handed gun holster that contained a pistol. The vehicle is believed to be a 2006-2013 black Chevrolet Impala with dash red and blue lights and a siren.
Keep in mind that decommissioned patrol vehicles, much like the Chevy Impala, are sold in auctions all the time. Some complete with the spot light. The victim reported that it seemed peculiar that the Impala had short antennas on both the rear and near the windshield.
According to Ravalli County Sherriff's Office
The suspect was clearly not law enforcement, citing the reason for the stop was “unrestrained dogs” and then threatened to charge the driver with “officer harassment”.
The suspect was last seen heading south to Ravalli County. If you happen to get pulled over by a vehicle resembling this one, or recognize the description of the vehicle call 406-363-3033
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